Arcing Basics

By Adam Portal • What we've been up to... • 17 Aug 2012
Arcing is a method of reviewing a passage to come to an good understanding of what the author was logically intending to communicate.  It help avoid interpretation errors, and assists the student to clearly and logically understand large passages more clearly. Expository books usually work best for arcing. However all of the bible can be arced. Explaination Basically, Paragraphs are made up of propositions: Statements, questions, exclamations (having a verb and a subject) The question of "meaning" – Is what we are after in Bible reading – What does this MEAN? All authors intend to communicate something from their mind to your mind – using words, sentences and paragraphs. The way meaning works is that - Words fit together in proposition – and you get at that with Sentence diagramming. Sentence diagramming – is at the Sentence level
“Sentence diagramming” – helps show how a prepositional phrase related to a verb or how the object related to a verb etc.
Arching  – is at the Paragraph Level
Arching asks about paragraphs what sentence diagramming asks about propositions - mainly how do these ideas (stated in prepositional phrases) relate to one another.
  A paragraph is made up of different propositions Example:  Rom 1:15-18
Preposition: I am not ashamed of the Gospel Preposition: For it is the power of God unto salvation Preposition: For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith Preposition: As it is written the just shall live by faith Preposition: For the wrath of God is revealed
How do these prepositional phrases relate to one another? - that is the type of question Arcing tries to answer. You get to see relationships – that let you see something you might not have seen if you did not ask the question, "How do these things relate to one another?"
"Arching is important to help rethink an authors thoughts after him – And open the Bible in ways it has not yet opened up to you." John Piper And when you do a paragraph that has 5, 10 or 20 of those prepositions and realize that it is all related to make one big point – you have understood so much more than if you had just breezed over the paragraph. John Piper
  Here is the basic Arc Symbols most commonly used                             Go to  to learn more about Arcing. See John Piper explain Arcing Arcing - Hebrews 12:1-4 This passage talks about how God used to talk to us by prophets, but recently he's talke to us through Jesus. But then who's Jesus? Verse 3a-d talks us that, basically, he's God. We're then told about what Jesus did how he sits on God's right hand. But why does he get to sit at God's right hand? Verse 4explains briefly, but the rest of the chapter of Hebrews 1 explains more by anylising bible passages.     Arcing - Psalms 1:1-6 God protects the righteous but condemns the wicked. His protection comes through the river, the fountain, the source of life that continually flows - we are to place ourselved (the tree) in a location that is continually receiving nutrition from that flowing river. The Unrighteous wicked are not so - they have no fountain of life - and as a result will move from walking to standing to sitting as a result of no life within them.   Arcing - 1 Peter 3:13-17 Peter reassures believers that it is better to suffer for doing good than doing evil.  If this happens, you will be blessed and the persecutor will be shamed by your faithful response.  It is more important to please God by doing right than to try to please others.  Peter instructs the slandered believer on how to respond - with kindness, humility and a ready answer of faith - in this way Christ is honored.

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