Non-Recorded Prayer Assessment Use the scale below to respond to each statement |
Never=1 Seldom=2 Occasionally=3 Frequently=4 Always=5 |
Self Assessment (1-5) |
1. General way in which you pray | |
Do you make many requests in your prayers? | |
Do you praise God in your prayers? | |
Do you ask God for guidance? | |
Do you pray for yourself? | |
Do you pray for others? | |
Do pray for certain people regularly? | |
Total |
2. Specific aspects about the way in which you pray | |
Do you think about what to pray for before you begin to pray? | |
Do you listen for God's response while you pray? | |
Do you let God lead your prayer? | |
Do you have God's word in mind during your prayer? | |
Do you pray with a goal in mind? | |
Do you P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens) in your prayers? | |
Are your prayers consistent from day to day? | |
Total |
3. Time of your prayer | |
Do you set aside a certain time every day to pray? | |
Do you pray throughout your daily activities? | |
Do you pray publicly without shame or embarrassment? | |
Do you pray? | |
What areas do you need to improve in? | |
Total |
4. Place of your prayer | |
Do you have a specific place where you go to pray? | |
Does the place where you pray help you stay focused in your prayer? | |
Do you try to avoid distractions when you pray? | |
Total |
5. Results of your prayer | |
Do you feel God listens when you pray? | |
Do you frequently notice God answering your prayers? | |
Do you sense God is involved with you in prayer? | |
Do you find your faith growing because of prayer? | |
Do you find yourself wanting to spend more time with God in prayer? | |
Are your prayers growing in focus? | |
Are you prayers being led by God more and more? | |
Total |
(Add up all of the totals) Grand Total |
Recorded Prayer Self-Assessment |
IMPORTANT: Read all these questions first then Listen some of your recorded prayers several times to answer these questions | |
Do you repeat certain words or phrases? If so.... Write them down. | |
Do you feel your words are clear in communicating your thoughts? | |
Do you pause at times without knowing what to say next? | |
Do you use filler words (words without purpose or meaning) when you pray? | |
Are you respectful to God with the words you use? | |
Do you try to use "Religious words" to sound better to yourself? | |
Do you wander off a lot in your prayers? | |
Do you lose track of your train-of-thought in your prayers? | |
How is the start of your prayer compared to the middle and the end: | |
Do you lose enthusiasm after you begin? | |
Do you End abruptly? | |
Do you start the same way every time you pray? | |
Do you end the same way every time you pray? | |
Does the middle part of your prayer seem purposeless? | |
Do you talk to God or talk AT God? | |
Do you mumble, stutter, and not complete your thoughts? | |
Do you struggle to find the right words? | |
Do you start praying with words and end praying only in your thoughts? | |
Did you discover anything about yourself by listening to your prayers? (Make a note of it) |